About Us
Our label heavily reflects the origins of where it is made - our home.
Our vineyard
Our single vineyard is situated some 30 minutes drive south of the centre of Christchurch nestled on the foothills of the Port Hills and the gate way to Banks Peninsula.
A perfect site elevated 10-40 metres above sea level and with a north-west aspect the vines were established in 2002 with the popular rootstocks:
Couderec 339 TK0691
Millardet et de grasset 101-14 (TK06512)
Riparia Gloirie de Montpeillier (TK06518) for pinot Gris
And Pinot Noir cloned Riparia Gloire, clones 115, 777 and 113
In total the vineyard is around 1.5 Hectares comprising 2600 Pinot Noir vines and 2400 Pinot Gris vines.
Full copy of our liquor licence 59/OFF/155/2023.
In 2020 we achieved Organic Producer Certification under BIOGRO.
An easy conversion given the majority of our practices were already organic. Our inputs into the vineyard focusing on the long-term health of the grapes, soil, waterways and livestock.
An annual audit by equally passionate people ensures the business plan reflects in the years of events and planning for the coming seasonal requirements.
Our label

We felt our wine label need not be too serious, but wanted to reflect heavily the origins of where it is made – our home!
Hares run across and sit under the vines. They are unmoved by our presence as if to say we are in fact the intruders into the vineyard. They don’t bother us so mutually we have an understanding.
Cross Hares…for the hares that run across the vineyard and for the attitude they have in doing so!

Our Story

Our road to grape growing and wine making is not traditional by any means- we simply purchased a house site overlooking the Southern Alps, protected by the dominate easterly wind amongst established trees and vines.
The conversation on the vineyard was short as to the future of the vines. The vision of the original owners Grant and Helen Whelan had historically produced award winning wines- to destroy their vision was not an option.
We purchased the block in 2014 and with time and knowledge it became obvious that the vineyard had been neglected and we knew very little of growing grapes! However we don’t shy away from hard work- with year one including 100 leak repairs in the irrigation, lifting the irrigation lines, mending broken poles and tightening wires.
We enlisted the assistance of Lincoln University lecturer and local vineyard owner Glen Creasy for some technical advice in year one and re-established a previous relationship with The Crater Rim Winery who purchased our grapes and went on to make our wine.
It became readily evident that the choice of team we surrounded ourselves with brought an abundance of enthusiasm matched with a wealth of technical advice which has proved invaluable.
Warrick is the primary viticulturist excluding the hand pick completed by family and friends.
As our 10th year of owning a vineyard nears we are tempted to write a book- “Vineyards for Dummies”– as the learning curve is steep- paved with sweat, tears, laughter and fellowship.
Our label proudly celebrates Canterbury maybe that’s as a direct result of us stoically choosing to stay post quakes and create another home for ourselves and our two girls.
Outside of the vineyard we enjoy a large portion of down time in Banks Peninsula close to the sea.
Our cellar door now sits in the shade of the Oaks for complimentary tastings and travel advice to both locals and those from abroad.
The sun sets behind the Southern Alps, and the sky drains of colour. The now empty trellises of Pinot Noir flow down the hill in even rows toward the road and the vineyard is quiet.
The hustle and bustle of the days pick is over, the crew is gone and the grapes safely tucked away.
Weariness replaces the anticipation and perspiration of the seasons toil. Time to call it a day. The Pinot Gris crop still standing is minding its own business, its glory awaits.
We should all do what, in the long run gives us joy, even it if is only picking grapes….. and drinking the wine!
Natalie & Warrick Edwards.
Our Liquor Licence
+64 0277243015
Address / Cellar Door:
7 / 1269 Christchurch Akaroa Road
(Summerhill Heights Subdivision)
Tai Tapu, New Zealand
Open Hours
10am - 6pm every day, except if fishing